Pet King

Chapter 1343: From Trash to Food

Chapter 1343: From Trash to Food

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Although Vladimir and Little White seldom saw eye-to-eye, when Zhang Zian was about to leave, Vladimir jumped into the co-pilot seat and went along with him, claiming he wanted to see how the stupid dogs could pull themselves out of the rubble.

Zhang Zian thought that cats and dogs were not naturally born with hostility towards each other. Rather... It was a type of love-hate relationship. Might he be wrong?

In short, after he’d settled things with his staff, he started the car, drove onto the road, and headed back to the landfill again.

Of course, the drone was also with him in case of an emergency.

When he came to the landfill, he saw that Little White was waiting for him under a road sign by the side of the road.

“You’ve been waiting long.” He parked his car on the side of the road without turning off the engine.

Little White glanced at Vladimir in the co-pilot position and deliberately turned a blind eye to him. He turned to face Zhang Zian and said, “Follow me.”

It ran in front, and Zhang Zian drove slowly behind.

He had thought of letting Little White into his vehicle. However, he was afraid that this would merely facilitate a fight between a cat and a dog in his car.

Running along the road for a while, Little White suddenly veered away and ran into the wilderness next to them.

Although the Wuling Hong Guang MPV was not a special off-road vehicle, it had no trouble with wild road conditions. Zhang Zian maneuvered the steering wheel and followed the road.

He continued to follow Little White for a little longer. There was a forest in front of him. It was an artificial forest. The distance between the trees was almost equal.

Hundreds of thousands of stray dogs gathered in front of the woods—dogs lined up over a large area. They were like an army waiting to be reviewed.

In front of them, there was a sea of...plastic bottles.

According to Zhang Zian’s instructions, Little White had not let the stray dogs mix the empty bottles they had picked up. They had piled them in front of their feet. This was so he would know how many bottles each dog had picked up at a glance.

The stray dogs themselves didn’t know why they were doing such boring things. When they were hungry, they went to the garbage dump to see if there were rotten leaves or pan-salt rotten meat. Sometimes they could even find half a hamburger and fill their stomachs. Was it not good to fill up and then lie in the sun by the sea? With a close of the eye, another day would pass.

However, since Little White had instructed them to do it, they didn’t dare not listen. However, this did not necessarily mean that they were willing.


Woof! Woof!

Woof! Woof! Woof!

It might’ve been that the wind blew the smell of Vladimir to the dog group. A dog began to bark, and the other dogs followed. They were all large- and medium-sized bulldogs. If one were to take out one dog, its barks would be loud enough to make children cry. Hundreds of dogs were now crying out together. The sound was deafening. It was as massive as a tsunami.

Zhang Zian was also shocked. If so many dogs swooped in at the same time, unless they were sitting in a tank, no car would be absolutely safe.

However, Vladimir was calm. It carried the temperament of “even if the enemy has thousands of soldiers, I am not moving.”

Little White rushed over and cried out at the group. Only then, did the barking of the dog group was suppressed, leaving only a few whimpers.

Zhang Zian didn’t get too close or turn off the engine. He got out of the vehicle, feeling rather afraid for his own life.

He often dealt with dogs and always reminded others not to show fear when encountering stray dogs. However, when it came to actually facing so many stray dogs, it was self-deception to say that he had no fear.

Now he could only pin his hopes on the power of Little White and his ability to suppress them all.

Zhang Zian had always been working with people without a doubt and did not suspect them. Despite his heart beating quickly, he still bravely walked toward the dogs.

Little White was amazed by his show of bravery. He had not expected that. He decided to restrain his comrades in the future so as not to allow them to shackle him. Otherwise, he would lose face in front of the stupid cat, something he did not want.

The closer he got to the dogs, the more sour and acidic the smell was. It was mixed with the smell of rotten food and fecal matter, so every stray dog ??was surrounded by a lot of mosquitoes and flies on its head, body, and mouth. Water dripped from their teeth, and their burning breath was mixed together, generating waves of heat.

They were like a group of primitive beasts from the wild.

If they suddenly became mad and resisted the command of Little White, Zhang Zian, as a piece of meat, would not be enough to feed them all.

“In just two days, you managed to get so many bottles?”

Zhang Zian glanced around a few times and found that the number of bottles was generally arranged from the most to the least. The dogs with the most bottles were standing at the front. Each dog had more than 50 bottles in front of them, with empty 500-milliliter drink bottles the most common item. There was also a small number of cans and a few rather useless glass bottles...

Dogs with fewer bottles stood at the back row. Yet they had at least 20 empty bottles.

If the count was 500 dogs, taking the median of 40 bottles, there were...20,000 empty bottles.

Zhang Zian and the waste collection station had negotiated a good price. If the number collected reached 10,000, then the price of ordinary 500-milliliter plastic bottles was five cents, the price of each can was one cent, and the guaranteed price was more than $1,000. The actual amount would be no less than $1,500. The wholesale quantity of dog food was almost four or five hundred kilograms, which should be enough to fill their stomachs.

“How? Is it enough?” Little White peered at his face.

“It’s enough. As the first time you all collected bottles, this is very good,” Zhang Zian affirmed. “If you can improve on the details, it will be better. For example, as much as possible, pick up empty bottles, then tin cans. Do not pick up glass bottles.”

Considering that the stray dogs had done this for the first time and lacked motivation, this, in fact, had exceeded his expectations. He had intended to pay out of his own pocket for their first few meals.

Little White rushed to the dogs and cried out a few times. He picked up the cans and empty drink bottles to indicate to them that these were the valuable things to collect.

The stray dogs were not very interested. He could see that they couldn’t be bothered much.

“Let them line up in a team and take turns to come to my car to eat.” Zhang Zian returned to the car, opened the trunk, and pulled out a 20-kilogram bag of dog food. He tore it open and took out a pile of plastic bowls. He let Little White line the dogs up for food in the order he desired.

The stray dogs, who had originally lacked interest, smelled the dog food and immediately perked up. They anxiously spun around, wishing to rush to the dog food and own it.

Little White was worried about the chaos that could happen. He reprimanded them a few times before lining them up to take turns to pick up the food bowls. They lined up and did so, approaching Zhang Zian.

Every time a dog came to the front, he placed a spoonful of dog food into their bowl. He felt like an olden-day disaster-relief squad, and these dogs were the hungry people he was helping.

The big, fierce, stinky stray dogs ??made him very nervous, and his hands were damp with sweat.

The dogs in front swallowed the food immediately and left the food bowl behind for the dogs standing behind them. In the beginning, this caused a bit of confusion, but fortunately, Little White kept busy and maintained order.

A bag of dog food was soon finished. Another bag of dog food was opened.

With hundreds of dogs and every dog getting some dog food, his arms were soon tired. He must, in the future, find a way to let the stray dogs feed themselves, much like a buffet.

The next step was the highlight of why he’d come here.

When he opened the foam insulator and the smell of the honey-roasted chicken legs came out, all the stray dogs went crazy.

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