The Glory After Rebirth

Chapter 126 - The Night Before the Conflict

Chapter 126: The Night Before the Conflict

Translator: DragonRider

“It’s me,” responded Ling Zhaowen.

The Yamen runner recognized Ling Zhaowen’s voice and Ling family’s carriage. Startled, he asked, “Lord Ling?”

Ling Zhaowen and Ling Zhang got off the carriage and walked up.

“Lord Ling, Childe Ling, may I ask what it is that you came here for at such a late hour of the night?”

“We are here to seek an audience with Lord Tao. It’s urgent. Please pass word of our presence,” said Ling Zhaowen, a grave expression on his face.

The Yamen runner noticed the seriousness on Ling Zhaowen’s face. Though unaware of exactly what kind of urgent matter it was, he still answered immediately, “Please wait a moment, Lord Ling. I’ll go inside and report right now.”

“I appreciate it,” said Ling Zhang.

The Yamen runner nodded and immediately went through the back door.

Tao Feng was woken up. On hearing that Ling Zhaowen and Ling Zhang had come here to meet him at such a late hour, he was taken aback, mistakenly believing that something had happened to Yuwen Tong. “Then let them in! Hurry!”

“Yes, Your Lordship!” The Yamen runner hastily ran out.

Flustered, Tao Feng quickly get dressed and hurried out of the room.

“Lord Ling, what happened? Why did you come here at such a late hour of the night?”

“Lord Tao, there’s a matter of urgency that we need your help with,” replied Ling Zhaowen before flicking a glance at the others present.

Tao Feng took the hint and immediately had others leave the room. Then he asked, “What is it?”

“Please give the order to seal off the city. All city gates must stay closed tomorrow,” said Ling Zhaowen.

“What?” Tao Feng was astounded. Sealing off the city would generate extensive influence on people’s life. Even on that occasion when County Magistrate Lu Kui was murdered, the opening of city gates was only delayed for two hours to hunt the murderer. Keeping city gates shut for a full day was no small thing.

“Exactly what happened?!” Tao Feng asked anxiously, fearing that it was something he was unable to cover up.

“Zhang Chong has been plotting to revolt all along. You probably have some conjectures about this, I suppose?” asked Ling Zhaowen.

Tao Feng gave an involuntary shudder and then nodded. “I do. Are you saying that Zhang Chong is going to put it into action?”

‘This can’t be happening. Yuwen Tong is right here in Tanyang, and it’s by no means the right time to stage an uprising. Under no circumstances would Zhang Chong choose to revolt at this time!’ Tanyang thought.

“It’s not that Zhang Chong wants to mount a rebellion but that it has come to His Majesty’s knowledge that Zhang Chong has been offering assistance to the Sixth Prince who’s been plotting to usurp the throne. An army dispatched from the capital city has crossed the boundary of Tanyang already and will arrived at the city gate tomorrow morning at the latest. And Zhang Chong will probably get wind of it by daybreak. Lord Tao, there’s no time for delay. Zhang Chong and his men could enter the city at any moment and all lives in the city will be at stake,” Ling Zhaowen observed quickly.

Tao Feng was deeply shocked. Then he said with a grave countenance, “Are you sure about this? You have to know that if this is not true, the consequences of delaying opening city gates for a full day will be our dismissals from our posts as well as implication of our family members!”

“Lord Tao, I assure you the truth of my statement is absolute. You’re fully aware of the identity of the one living in my house, aren’t you? In no circumstances will I risk the lives of myself and my family,” commented Ling Zhaowen.

Tao Feng immediately turned around and started pacing the floor restlessly. Eventually, he gritted his teeth and said, “All right. I’ll give the order right now. All four city gates will stay shut tomorrow.”

“Lord Tao, maybe it’s better if we don’t alarm anybody else for the moment. You may send some of your trusted men to the four city gates to keep an eye out, and then give the order shortly before daybreak. Maybe it’s short notice this way, but it’ll lower the risk of leak which might lead to Zhang Chong’s immediate action. Secondly, by doing this, we can prevent Zhang Chong’s men in the city, if there are any, from hindering us,” said Ling Zhang.

Tao Feng looked at him, thought for a while and then replied. “You’ve got a point, Childe Ling. Let’s do it your way.”

In this way, he would also get some time to observe the development of things and find out whether Ling family were telling the truth. If it was a false alarm, he would be able to do some damage control.

But Tao Feng knew very well that there was a ninety-nine-percent chance that this matter was true.

Since Yuwen Tong had been quietly staying in Tanyang for so many days, Tao Feng believed that he must have been making covert preparations for something. He had been wondering all along, and now what Yuwen Tong had been planning finally dawned on him!

The more he thought about it, the more convinced he was that he had found out the truth. Tao Feng secretly rejoiced. ‘I thought Ling family made peace with Zhang Chong, but it turns out that their real game is this!

Once Zhang Chong is brought down, all the sufferings that he has inflicted on me these years will be avenged!’

“Your Lordship, the southern city gate is of greater importance than the other three. Please concentrate the defence on it. It’s not convenient for me to be seen in public for the moment, but I secretly go to the southern city gate and offer you assistance if the necessity arises,” said Ling Zhang.

Tao Feng gave a bob of the head, “Okay.”

But Ling Zhaowen didn’t agree with this plan and intended to raise an objection. Ling Zhang looked at his uncle with an appealing expression. Ling Zhaowen paused, a hesitant look on his face.

At this time, another issue suddenly occurred to Tao Feng. “Where’s the Marshal? Why...isn’t he intervening?”

Ling Zhang answered, “His Majesty dispatched Dai Cheng here, who is capable of keeping Tanyang safe, so the Marshal’s intervention won’t be necessary.”

Tao Feng was sent into a brief trance. ‘What the hell? Dai Cheng?’

“Is the army entering the city through the northern city gate?”

“The western city gate.”

“The western city gate?”

Tao Feng fell more puzzled. ‘The army will have to make a long detour if they want to enter the city through the western city gate, which will take them many days longer. Why the western city gate?’

“Your Lordship, everything will be made clear after Zhang Chong is apprehended. Please pardon me for being unable to tell you any details beforehand.”

Tao Feng was somewhat displeased, since he was now on the side of Ling family after all, and Ling family should not keep anything back from him, but at the thought of Yuwen Tong, Tao Feng felt that their deed was justifiable. “All right. I believe you.”

But Tao Feng was still somewhat surprised that Yuwen Tong was staying out of this. It was not until after instructing his henchmen to lead some men to four city gates that he came to grasp something, but it was not enough for him to draw any conclusions.

“I’ll go to the southern city gate as well. None of us is getting any sleep tonight, I guess,” said Tao Feng when Ling Zhang and Ling Zhaowen were taking their leave.

“Your Lordship, maybe everything will turn out as you wish after this night. Won’t that be better?” commented Ling Zhang.

Tao Feng exchanged glances with Ling Zhang and both of them smiled. Then Tao Feng said, “You’re right.”

The moment they left the Prefecture Yamen, Ling Zhaowen looked at Ling Zhang with a displeased face. “There’s no doubt that the southern city gate is going to bear the brunt. Why are you going there? It’s so dangerous!”

“Uncle, I won’t be able to set my mind at rest if I stay elsewhere,” replied Ling Zhang. He wanted to see it with his own eyes because it was not only the sole way to spare himself the worry but also the sole way to vent his spleen.

Ling Zhaowen didn’t want him to go, since it was too dangerous.

Ling Zhang had no choice but to try to convince his uncle. “You may rest assured that I’ll take care of myself and come back in one piece, uncle.”

“How is it possible for me to rest assured? If anything happens to you, how am I supposed to face your grandfather, or your father, or your mother? This madness of yours is killing me!” said Ling Zhaowen angrily.

Ling Zhang’s face slightly changed. He could understand why his uncle mentioned his grandfather and his mother, but his father? ‘Will my father give a damn about this? Ha.’

“Uncle, if there’s any danger, I promise I’ll flee as quick as possible. Okay?” said Ling Zhang. He even used the word “flee.”

Ling Zhaowen was still worried, but Ling Zhang was now an adult unwilling to let others make decisions for him. If he forced him to stay at home, Ling Zhang might stealthily sneak out, which would be more dangerous.

“It’s okay if you want to go there, but you must bring Wang Dashan and his men with you.”

‘Wang Dashan and his men? No way. They are meant to protect Ling family and uncle. None of them is leaving,’ thought Ling Zhang.

But since it had taken him so much doing to get his uncle swayed, Ling Zhang pretended to agree, planning to figure out another way afterwards.

Then the two of them returned to Ling family and went straight to the Green Bamboo Mansion to meet Yuwen Tong.

“Tao Feng has agreed and sent some men to all four city gates, but the gate guards won’t be informed for the moment. He will wait until an hour before the opening time to give the order,” Ling Zhaowen told Yuwen Tong.

Yuwen Tong gave a bob of the head. He had sent a guard to each of the four city gates. If there were any problems, they would help solve them in time.

“Marshal, I’m afraid the situation will be extremely dangerous tomorrow. Do you think it’s advisable that you go somewhere else for the sake of safety?” After a short while’s hesitation, Ling Zhaowen still chose to express his concern.

Yuwen Tong smiled, “Thank you for your kindness, Uncle Ling. You may rest assured that I can protect myself even if the nightmare scenario arises. Zhang Chong won’t be able to cause me any harm.”

Ling Zhaowen nodded. In fact, he had felt somewhat embarrassed when he asked Yuwen Tong whether he would like to go somewhere safe. Given Yuwen Tong’s identity, he would never choose to leave in this kind of circumstances. By making that suggestion, he had risked arousing suspicion of tricking Yuwen Tong into disgracing himself. Fortunately, Yuwen Tong understood his good intentions well and didn’t think any differently of him.

This was destined to be a sleepless night for them. Tanyang was shrouded in quiet, but there was also tension secretly spreading. Some dogs barked for a while and then hush descended once again. Residents in the city who heard the barks still had an inkling that the atmosphere was somewhat unusual.

“Is it possible that something bad happened?”

“I don’t think so, because I didn’t hear any gong sounds.”

“But my dear, I keep feeling somewhat uneasy.”

The man kept silent for a few moments and replied, “It’s okay. I’ll go and check after daybreak. Stay at home with the kids before I return.”

“All right.”

Guards on duty at the four city gates had also sensed a ghost of unusualness in the atmosphere, but none of them had any idea exactly what was going on. They just felt that time seemed to be going slower than usual, as if daybreak had somehow been delayed.

Tao Feng had quietly brought his men to the southern city gate, but he didn’t alarm the guards.

Ling Zhang had also arrived, but he was not with Tao Feng. Beside him stood Yuwen Tong.

“If Uncle Ling finds out you ordered Wang Dashan and his men to go back so soon, he’s definitely going to be mad,” Yuwen Tong smiled.

“I told Elder Brother Wang and others to stay out of my uncle’s sight,” said Ling Zhang, believing that it would be fine as long as his uncle didn’t find out that he had sent security guards back. As for what might happen the next day, he planned to cross the bridge when he came to it.

“Rest assured, I won’t let anything happen to you,” said Yuwen Tong.

Hearing this, Ling Zhang felt his ears slightly burning. “I’ll take care of myself. You’re the one who should be careful. Make sure you don’t take any risks. I really don’t know how I can face people of the Great Yue if anything happens to you.”

Yuwen Tong chuckled, “Why people of the Great Yue? Are you saying that you yourself don’t care about me?”

“I–I’m among people of the Great Yue, so of course I care.” Ling Zhang darted a dirty look at him. “Stop twisting my words.”

“Fine. All I want to know is that you care about me. For your sake alone, I won’t let anything happen to me.”

Ling Zhang fell speechless with embarrassment.

Yuwen Tong took the liberty of distorting the meaning of his words once again.

When the night was at its darkest, a courier pigeon flew into the Prefecture Encampment, bringing with it news that was going to throw the whole encampment into shock.

“What?!” After Zhang Chong was woken up and read the letter delivered by the courier pigeon, an extremely horrifying momentum burst out of his whole being, his fists clenched, his eyes bloodshot. “Yuwen Tong!”

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