I Hate Systems

Chapter 369: Exacting Vengeance is Your Destiny

[Destiny Luck System (Level 92): Scum, you don’t need to ask so many times. Everyone is ready. Why the heck are you asking it so many times?]

[Coincidental Luck System (Level 94): Brain fart, I don’t want any of you incompetents to fatten up Compass Carburettor. You should rename yourself to Incompetent Luck]

[Happy-Go-Lucky System (Level 88): Wanna die?]

[Lucky Bastard System (Level 86): I’ll solo you, deer bastard]

[Coincidental Luck System (Level 94): Good, we’ll be returning to my world after 19 years. I’ll see if you dare solo me then]

[Destiny Luck System (Level 92): Let’s not waste time with this useless bickering. There’s less than an hour before the Restriction Order finishes forming in that cultivation world. We won’t be able to enter it once that happens]

[Happy-Go-Lucky System (Level 88): Have all Systems in that world left it?]

[Coincidental Luck System (Level 94): They did. Alright, we’ve completed all preparations. We won’t be able to converse with our Hosts after this. So, if you have anything to say, do it now. Do note that there’s a fair chance this might be your last words]

[Destiny Luck System (Level 92): This arrogant excuse for a whisker…]

One after another, all the Luck based Systems exited the temporary group that they had formed just for this occasion.

Straxia calmly stretched her arms, yawning a little as she jogged around in the place, relaxing her muscles.

[Are you ready, Straxia?] The Coincidental Luck System’s voice resounded in her mind.

‘I am!’ Straxia nodded, ‘I’m rather surprised at the extent of preparations you have done here. I never thought there were so many abandoned Martial Spirit Awakening Altars.’

[It’s something that we set up for single-time use. It’ll be destroyed once you awaken your Martial Spirit. Of course, since everyone is descending at different locations, we had to plant one for everyone]

‘I’m curious about one thing.’ Straxia thought all of a sudden.

[What is it?]

‘Why can’t I bring a spatial bag full of Essence Stones with me from here? But, why are my clothes unaffected while moving through the portals?’

[That’s because fabric is common in every world. So, even if there is a difference in quality, it can just be attributed to being a product from a far-off place. It won’t go against the cause and effect of the world. That’s true for any items where their equivalent exists in those worlds. They too can be taken with you from one world to another]

‘I see, that makes sense.’ Straxia nodded before saying, ‘Computers are a no-no then, right?’

[For this world at least]

“Alright, let’s go,” Straxia spoke, gazing at the twenty other Hosts near her.

She was Host to the Coincidental Luck System. Velcorn was Host to the Lucky Bastard System.

And surprisingly, the Happy-Go-Lucky System picked Dwun. They were a surprisingly good match.

Each Luck based System had picked a Host, some of which had been Hosts to the Hatchling Systems before. But most of them were new candidates that were the most suitable to wield their luck.

With Rhizen and Shyvern dead, they lost two high-potential System Hosts. As all the Luck-based Systems divided up all potentially good candidates to wield their respective luck, one of them made a surprising decision.

The Destiny Luck System had picked Chenger as its Host, surprising everyone because she actually wasn’t a good pick for even a Hatchling System, not to mention for the Destiny Luck System.

But going against all odds, the Destiny Luck System had picked her. Moreover, despite recalling all memories from her previous 47 loops, Chenger didn’t regain her original character.

She still retained her vengeful state. But the only difference was the fact that, if she was a mindless machine seeking vengeance before, she was now a machine that was cunningly vengeful, wholeheartedly targeting Compass Carburettor.

Even though Compass Carburettor wasn’t in any of her memories other than the brief interaction in her latest loop, the Destiny Luck System had fed her fabricated lies, replacing the figure of Shyvern in her memories with Compass Carburettor.

And, Shyvern had indeed tried to kill her and Rhizen countless times. And it wasn’t the first time she had been tortured by him either. The scene in previous loops mostly followed like this:

Shyvern would set up intricate plans that targeted Rhizen when he was focused on his System Host foes. As he would be harnessing his luck to act against them, that’ll leave Chenger defenceless.

He would then capture her while causing a stand-in System Host to turn into Chenger and accompany Rhizen.

At times, the stand-in might not follow through with his plans, as it wasn’t easy to secure victory against Rhizen that easily.

But in other times, she too succeeded, causing her to manipulate Rhizen slowly, weakening him mentally by subtly influencing his character.

And in this time, Shyvern would torture Chenger mentally by a variety of means, turning her into a villain. After that, he would make Chenger exact vengeance on Rhizen.

In a lot of loops, even though Chenger failed to kill Rhizen, she would have dealt him critical blows, so much so that he wouldn’t even be able to harness luck that he was innately capable of.

After that, he was killed by a variety of means, most of which was suicide due to self loathe.

Loathe because he failed to protect the actual Chenger and had instead set up a family with the false Chenger in the apocalypse. Loathe that he wasn’t there for her when she suffered torture that broke her mind. Loathe that he survived and was happy, despite the difficulties he had faced, in contrast to what Chenger had been through.

As he was a loyal guy, this was beyond what he could mentally and emotionally handle, eventually resulting in either suicide or getting killed off by one of the System Hosts, with most of the kills landing in the hands of Straxia, followed by Ianon, Shyvern, and Chenger herself.

Chenger had killed Rhizen three times. And not one was a pleasant sight. Now that she recalled all the memories from previous loops, Chenger wished to exact vengeance.

And, the Destiny Luck System had only manipulated her memories a little by replacing Shyvern with Compass Carburettor. So, there wasn’t any inconsistency in her memory.

[Exacting vengeance is your destiny!]

It spoke as Chenger slowly entered the portal that appeared before her, “Compass Carburettor! When I’m done, you’ll regret reincarnating.”

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